Monday, December 15, 2008

FOC08 course feedback

1. What were the most enjoyable aspects of this course?
The whole course was a really enjoyable experience. I sampled everything. I completed most of the "assignments" in some fashion.

2. What were the most challenging aspects of this course?
As my own courses are fully online, it was interesting and somewhat painful to watch Leigh deal with hundreds of participants who were "ramping up" to a pretty sophisticated learning environment. The settling-in period was challenging even for participants (including me) who needed to work out a comfortable personal learning environment while "drinking from the fire hose" of posts, messages and instructions coming in. Staying engaged for that many weeks was harder than I expected. However, it was all a valuable learning experience. The process is very interesting as both an observer and a participant.

3. Did the course meet your expectations? How or how not?
I wasn't sure what to expect, but there was lots to see and do. There wasn't anything that I hope to learn that wasn't addressed. That's good, or else I just don't know what else to ask.

4. What improvements would you suggest?

Outlining the environment setup as pre-work would have been helpful, sort of like the meet-in-the-lobby before the actual course / workshop begins. That would allow some people to get their blog and RSS feed going before the course with its "due dates" got the over-achievers all stressed out.

5. Any other comments?
Personally, I would have preferred a shorted session, but I know the course fits within the college schedule. When I was working on my Masters at California State University East Bay, the first few courses were offered as 6 week courses back-to-back within the 12 week semester. But that's just me.

Thanks, again for a really great opportunity to see some alternatives in online teaching and learning. I'd recommend this course to anyone interested in the subject.

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